On this day of pageant, as Her Majesty heads a flotilla of hundreds of boats down the Thames in honour of the Diamond Jubilee (which I shall be watching from the dry comfort of Dolores Delargo Towers rather than brave the torrential rain and millions of wet onlookers), here are a couple of appropriate pieces, methinks...
Enter the Queens: Madonna, Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Jones, Freddie Mercury and more
And on a more subtle note (although it probably wasn't at the time!):
Gawd Bless Ya, Ma'am(s)!
Diamond Jubilee on the BBC
might i get to the front of the line if i bring all my corgis?
ReplyDeleteI thought I'd already spotted you at the back of the Royal Barge... Sorry, that was Camilla. Jx
DeleteSomehow I doubt the queen will make an entrance like M did - but you never know...
ReplyDeleteI think at this stage of the game, Her Majesty deserves to enter St Pauls in a huge glittering construction attended by hundreds of hunky men in uniform. Oh, sorry, that's exactly what she will be doing tomorrow! Jx