Once again, we at Dolores Delargo Towers owe a debt of gratitude to Thombeau over at The Redundant Variety Hour for his ceaseless exertions trawling across the interwebs in search of the fabulous and the ultra-mega-camp.
I whooped with joy when I saw this particular delight he discovered!
For your delectation, we not only have a magnificent (and previously unknown to me) drag diva by the name of Paulo Poli performing a set-piece of what I can only imagine are the Italian equivalent of Music Hall numbers, but also house fave divas Raffaella Carra (whose 69th birthday it is tomorrow) and Mina in man-drag providing the backing vocals!
A feast of fabulosity that is just perfect for a Sunday afternoon (or indeed any time!). Enjoy!
Spettaculo, indeed!!
Unsurprisingly, I have installed Paulo Poli as our latest exhibit in the Dolores Delargo Towers Museum of Camp