Friday, 31 January 2025


Just a few more hours to go, and the laptop can be snapped shut for another sixteen days - we're off to Spain at the crack'o'doom tomorrow morning for a (hopefully sunny) week on the Costa del Sol, followed by another week off just to potter... Yay!

To round off the countdown nicely, here's an old fave. Miguel Bosé (for it is he) is so amazingly popular in Spain he has produced not one, but two albums of his hits, re-recorded in duets with estimable international superstars such as Shakira, Ricky Martin, Fangoria, Ivete Sangalo, Michael Stipe from R.E.M. and even Penelope Cruz. When he started out, he was a heartthrob teen idol - in the same vein of David Cassidy or Leif Garrett - and, like so many pretty poster-boys, has subsequently "admitted to being bisexual". Cough. Cough.

When I first featured this particular number back in 2010, I said: " of the campest dance routines in the world! Madam Arcati reckons he reminds him of Anita Harris." Ha! I'll let you be the judge of that, dear reader - Gracias Disco ¡Es viernes!

That could just as easily been one of our "Tacky Music Monday" treats, to be honest...

Have a good weekend, peeps - we certainly will!


  1. Yes, campy! I don’t remember this number at all.

    1. I doubt Señorita Bosé had much success outside Spain, to be honest. We only discovered him as the original singer of Las Seventies' Don Diablo... Jx


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