Friday, 9 March 2012

Extremely dangerous

It's the end of what feels like one of the longest weeks of my life. It is never easy coming back to drudgery after a few great weeks off...

However, the weekend means party time, and what better way to warm up than by shaking out that Afro wig, slipping into something sparkly in canary yellow, and boogieing down with the lovely First Choice, with Armed and Extremely Dangerous? Thank Disco It's Friday!

Boogie like it's 1973!


  1. Putting on my sequin tube top and hot pants right now!

  2. Heaven! Have a Great weekend! 'Keep your feet on the ground and Keep reaching for ths Stars' xoxoMM

  3. Hope we're all going to the same sparkling discotheque!! Have a good weekend! Jx

  4. one of the first songs i ever "took" away from a club.
    loved the japanese version.

    1. Oh Norma, was that really the first time you took a twelve-incher away from a club? Heavens. Jx


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