Friday 2 March 2012

You hit me with a flower

Today, one of our idols here at Dolores Delargo Towers, Mr Lou Reed turns 70 years old!

He has been well and truly inaugurated as the latest exhibit in the Dolores Delargo Towers Museum of Camp.

His landmark album - ranked one of the greatest of all time, and not just by me! - was Transformer way back in 1972. And by way of celebration, here it is, track by track...

Enjoy the genius!

Lou Reed official website


  1. A very happy birthday! I have never really listened to him, I must admit, but I have a great respect for him as an artist.

    1. Well here's your chance! Transformer is one of my all-time favourite albums, and must get at least one airing in your Galaxy... Jx

  2. Replies
    1. Just terrifying... Jx

      PS Debbie Harry is 67 this year!

  3. Lou Reed 70?
    Debbie Harry 67?

    I have to lie down now with a cold compress.

    1. At least you can lie down without creaking... Jx


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