Happy St Andrew's Day to any Scottish (or, more likely, three-parts-Scotch) chums out there!
2023 UPDATE: All gone from Soundcloud and YouTube, but Marcus performing Give Me Your Hand is still available on Vimeo [but refuses to embed].
All this and more may be found on the Marcus Reeves website.
Culturally, homosexuality and misery have been linked so tightly by the haters over the years that they have become an offensive cliché to the point where any discussion is dismissed as prejudice. But discuss it we must.His whole reading was serious, yet not stifling in its analysis of the problems gay people still face coping with our social-media-savvy, drug-fuelled, abs-obsessed scene. There was much nodding of heads among our audience. I sincerely hope there will be many more people out there in the hedonistic "real world" who will read and learn from this book.
More and more statistics reveal that LGBT people have higher levels of depression, anxiety, addiction and suicidal thoughts. The British Crime Survey 2009 showed that gay men used illicit drugs three times more than heterosexual men. It’s hardly a surprise. As therapist and author Joe Kort states so well in his book 10 Smart Things Gay Men Can Do to Improve Their Lives, what’s wrong is not our sexuality, but our experience of growing up in a society that still does not fully accept that people can be anything other than heterosexual and cisgendered (i.e. born into the physical gender you feel you are). It is the damage done to us by growing up strapped inside a cultural straitjacket - tight-fitting, one-size restraint imposed on us at birth - that leaves no room to grow. It makes no allowances for the fact that, yes, indeed, some people are different and we deserve - and need - to be supported and loved for who we are, too.
It has horns, it has synthesizers, it has an opening riff so intensely catchy it was used again for another dance classic (Theme From S-Express by S-Express). It has a girl called Dickey. It has acres of tight, primary-coloured satin, afros and sparkles. It's utterly fantabulosa.It's Rose Royce - so Thank Disco It's Friday!
Flooding in places that have never suffered flooding before is now an annual pre-Christmas event, it has been confirmed.The Daily Mash
Environment secretary Andrea Leadsom told press that unprecedented flooding is now part of the wonderful pageant of British Yuletide.
She continued: “It’s nothing to do with global warming, which isn’t happening and anyway we’re withdrawing from that kind of thing with Brexit.
“No, torrents of filthy flood water invading your home are just one of those marvellously British Christmas rituals, like warm mince pies with a dollop of cream or watching 'Die Hard'.
“I just love gathering the whole family around the television watching cars get stranded and seeing soaking families gather in school gymnasiums. Gives me that warm festive feeling.”
Flood victim Steve Malley of Stalybridge said: “Christmas is one of those things that’s always evolving, always that wonderful mix of the old and the new.
“I’m just glad I’ve been able to bring joy to so many this year. We weren’t insured.”
More though than his acting and his thuggery, John Bindon was famous for the size of his cock. And he would love showing it off and to everyone. He could grasp it with two large hands and still have plenty left over to swing in a circle. Dani called it, in a French accent, Le pink elicoptere. It was like a hose. His party trick in pubs was to put empty pint glasses on it, and put his penis through the handles. I believe he could do ten at one time, or something ridiculous.No wonder Princess Margaret was so keen on him...
I was having lunch with him in the Great American Disaster one day, when the waitress came to take our order, without lifting his haunches, he draped his cock across the table, stuck a fork in it and said, can I have this lightly grilled, darling? Yes, that was John Bindon, the thug with the giant one.
It was a bright and glorious summer day, we were outside the Chelsea Potter on the King’s Road. There was currently a government survey into the UK sex trade, being led by a very upright and proper English aristocrat named Lord Longford. Bindon saw Longford approaching on the pavement, so he whipped out his cock and started swirling it. "How would you like to put this in your report, Lord Longford?" he shouted down the King’s Road.
One surprise in The Radical Eye show is the framing of the images, which is, well, a bit bling – gold and silver gilt rather than, as he puts it, “boring bloody black”. That will, I say, almost certainly annoy the purists. “Oh, they can fuck off,” he says. “All I am saying is, look at them in a different way – as magnificent works of art that should be magnificently framed.”
Nigel Farage will be Donald Trump’s high powered ‘go-between’ whenever the new president wants to eat some pizza.The Daily Mash
An excited Farage was summoned to New York by Trump yesterday to be appointed as one of the billionaire’s eight ‘fast food ambassadors’.
Farage said: “It will be my job to sit down with the nearest Domino’s and talk through Donald’s approach and his priorities. They need to understand that he wants to a deal about pizza, but it has to be the right deal.
“His claim that anchovies were only fit for Mexican rapists was campaign trail rhetoric.
“He wants to work with anchovies, he wants to work with thinly sliced ham and he wants to work with black olives.
“Well, maybe not black olives. Do olives come in beige? And if not, why not?”