Oh! Thank fuck for that; it's all over. Of course, the "Festering Season" will still plague us for a while yet, with "jolly" music and bloody-tinsel-clad-everything well beyond its shelf-life, all through the (inevitable) sales and beyond - until, that is, the shelves are cleared for Valentines/Easter/whatever come the middle of January...
Time, methinks, for a little trip into Monsieur Hulot's subtly satirical world, with this slice of 60s fabulousness - and to lose ourselves in another easy listening interlude, courtesy of the faboo Soft Tempo Lounge:
Music: Fabio Fabor - Douce Ensemble
Ah, that's better.
60s fabulousness indeed. I need a bit of escapism at the moment with the evil monster child upstairs screaming and stomping about.
ReplyDeleteNow let me grab our passports and Hermès head scarves
...and of course, a Mancini album on the eight-track cartridge player! Jx