Monday 10 September 2018

Me encanta esto

Now that's what I call a Spider Plant!

After the whirlwind weekend (somewhat disappointing Proms in the Park and all) I wisely took today as leave - and it has been a particularly laid-back one indeed, making the most of the hazy sunshine in the extensive gardens of Dolores Delargo Towers while we still can. It's the autumnal equinox in a couple of weeks! Sigh...

To cheer ourselves up, as we always do after the official end of the Summer Season [which is marked by the Last Night of the Proms], today we booked our apartment in Spain for February. And this time, because it is a significant birthday for Madam Arcati, we've aligned the dates with half-term so that Baby Steve and Houseboy Alex can join us. Whoo-hoo!

Speaking of Spain [or at least, Hispanic - she's Mexican but was a star in Spain]... On this Tacky Music Monday, let us wallow in the musical - ahem - talents of an energetic young lady calling herself Yuri and her safety gays:

¡Muy bien!


  1. OH my. You know every one of those boys had a LENGTHY interview Mme. Yuri which had very little to do with dance talent and probably more with vaginal dryness.

    1. Not one of them knows what a vagina is. Jx

  2. Nice to see Donny the gnome on your blog.
    He loves Yuri !

    1. "Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee
      I'm a laughing gnome and you can't catch me!"



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