Tuesday 27 November 2018


Everyone in Britain has confirmed they will happily vote for absolutely anything as long as they do not have to ever hear the word ‘Brexit’ ever again.

The Institute for Studies found that whether they had voted Leave or Remain, banishing the word ‘Brexit’ from the language was now the biggest priority.

Annoyed man, Tom Booker said: “I’d vote for Idi Amin if it just meant I didn’t have to hear Brexit ever, and I mean ever, a-fucking-gain.

“Not even in a historical context either. If some history teacher wants to talk about Brexit they can just say, ‘that two year bout of constipation’. I’m pretty sure the kids would get what they meant.”

Annoyed woman, Nikki Hollis added: “At least change the name of it. It was a made up name to begin with anyway. Just make up another one. Like ‘shandwhich’.”

“Brexit is Britain’s Exit and shandwich is shit sandwich. Same thing.”
The Daily Mash

Of course.


  1. Replies
    1. And before we know it, we'll have Brexit in one ear and Maria-bloody-Carey in the other, as the Festering Season descends upon us... Jx

  2. I wish they would ALL just get on with it and sort it out !

    1. At this rate, it'll still be "in negotiations" for another decade. Jx


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