Tuesday 21 February 2023


The 20th century has been rewritten by sensitivity readers to remove all the distressing references to race, gender and mental health.

Readers admitted they were horrified by how out-of-date the period between 1900 and 1999 had become, and have made changes to several passages of its history to avoid offending modern sensibilities.

Sensitivity reader Hannah Tomlinson said: “It’s not suitable for children and frankly could be upsetting for adults. It’s been the 21st century for 23 years now, so there’s no excuse.

“For example World War Two, long held up as ‘our finest hour’. Really? Because to contemporary eyes it’s nothing but racism, nationalism and inefficient conflict resolution. We’ve kept it in but shortened it and taken out all the unnecessary prejudice.

“Likewise the Sixties may have seemed ‘cool’ at the time but were deeply misogynist. Mick Jagger was clearly queer-coded so that’s been made explicit, Twiggy’s plus-sized and the Queen gets to be prime minister.

“How are we expected to learn from the past when it’s setting such a bad example? Our new 20th century is fairer, kinder and more understanding of different viewpoints. It should have been like that all along.”

Nathan Muir, aged 52, said: “Yeah, to be fair, I was there and it was pretty fucking offensive.”

The Daily Mash

Of course.

[The "real" story here and here]


  1. I read about this last week and was rather flabbergasted. Can I still use 'flab'? Maybe these days I am simply bergasted, which has a ring to it.

    1. The "sensitivity police" will be after you for "flab-shaming" if you're not careful. They even changed the fact that the BFG's cloak was black, though it beats me how that might offend anyone - what will become of "the little black dress" now? Jx

  2. Replies
    1. I know. Where will this madness end? Jx

    2. American uber Christians don’t need to rewrite the bible. They believe in the “literal translation” which means however the hell THEY interpret it.

  3. I think the main driver seems to be the American uber-Christian Right. Which has me anticipating the re-write of the bible. They'll be stuck at Leviticus for yonks!

    1. Every censorship frenzy has something to do with one religion or another (and I include Fascism/Nazism/Communism/Putinism in that category). Such a shame that our very own home-grown comfortably-middle-class, champagne-socialist/liberal, Guardian-reading namby-pambys are so immersed in their own "social guilt" that they impose such meddling upon the masses - of all backgrounds - who don't actually want it. Jx

  4. Fascinating. The other day I came to realize that to go extreme in either direction - right or left? Well... they're both a form of fascism. As long as one behaves like a snowflake - be they ultra-conservative or ultra-progressive - they reach that point in the circle of life where they're standing shoulder to shoulder on the wrong side of things... hmmm? Well, food for thought.

    1. There are huge crossovers between what outsiders deem to be "extreme right" and "extreme left". In the end, both want complete control and will stamp all over their opposition. Jx

  5. Bring back conscription and hanging.


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