Friday 16 November 2012

We won't settle for less

I know I haven't actually been in work much this week (I was studying Monday and Tuesday for an exam on Wednesday - and, on that very subject, good luck today to the lovely Henry in his!) but even so, a weekend is always something to celebrate - even more so when you have some funny foreigners to laugh at, and some conundrums to answer... Such as: why can these people not dance if they are from the historical birthplace of music? Why does nobody in 2012 see what a fashion no-no RED jeans were? Why is that woman dressed as a lettuce? Ah, the mysteries of Italian television from 1979...

At least the eternally gorgeous Chic have the fashion sense to show us how one should be dressed for such an occasion. Thank Disco It's Friday!

Good Times? Let's hope so.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. Oh, christ, the dancers in the Chic video can't even clap in time. It's a goddam downbeat. Heterosexuals.

    1. Such a shame the audience isn't more like the gang in that picture... Jx

  2. Thanks pumpkin, I think I did very well :) I am now SO ready for a rather Chic weekend indeed!!!! Have a great one, whatever you do!

    1. I, for one, will not be wearing a "mankini" to a discotheque... How about you? Jx


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