Tuesday 20 November 2018

Il pleut à verse

Winter murk has descended with a vengeance here in London over the past couple of days - it's pissing down, the days hardly get light, and the temperatures are in single figures (with little prospect of improvement). Deep joy. I hate this time of year.

An appropriate moment, methinks, to transport ourselves away to somewhere gorgeous in the company of beautiful people - courtesy of those geniuses over at Soft Tempo Lounge...

Oh, that's better!

[Music: Soft Sell by Keith Mansfield; film: Day For Night (La Nuit américaine) (1973)]


  1. Oh, I shall come back and listen to this first thing tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, there are blizzards on Exmoor!

    1. I thought there were always blizzards somewhere on Exmoor? Or is that the Baskerville Moors? Jx

  2. Hang on while I put the kettle on

    Ah !

    That's better
    Soft tempo a cup of tea and a nice sit down.


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