Friday 28 June 2019

A toast to freedom

As we hurtle towards the close of another week, it's worth taking a moment to note that fifty years ago today across the pond in Noo Yawk, a bit of a revolution happened - the Stonewall riots. Over here, of course - true to form - we had already achieved the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality in a polite, dignified and legislative manner (delivered by men in suits, giving earnest speeches about "tolerance" to committees of enquiry and in the House of Commons). Over there, they were swinging handbags and belting corrupt cops with stillies. Yet there was little or no news coverage about it until some years later...
Today, it seems that apart from the ever-watchful, ever-critical, ever radical Peter Tatchell - whose "state of the gay nation address" published in today's Guardian is as insightful as ever - the media coverage is just as muted.

We are a week away from the commercial travesty that is today's apolitical, anodyne Pride London "carnival parade", from which ordinary members of the LGBT community are excluded except by application for a ticket. Yet across the world there are still repressive and corrupt regimes, there are still earnest men in suits procrastinating over whether to give us "tolerance", and there are still radical faeries out there throwing their handbags (virtual or otherwise) at the bigots and the bully boys.

It is to them and all who have fought so hard for our rights over the years we should raise a toast - and Thank Disco It's Friday!

Have good one, peeps!


  1. Did you have your pride festivities yet??? Or did I miss it? Have a lovely weekend. I'm heading to nyc tomorrow late afternoon to par take of world pride, the parade and hopefully catch a glimpse of Mother Madonna. And hope to ride a Argentinaian.

    1. "We are a week away"...

      Although we do have our tickets, we are undecided whether to go to the muster point, where the organisers intend to corral us into walking in one section of the parade (so we miss watching any of it), or whether to just stand at the side of the main parade route and watch the spectacle. We have our - rather impressive - outfits all ready to go, so we should get some attention (as usual) :-)

      If there are Argentinians to ride, sweetie, Mother Madge will be beating you off them with her riding crop... Enjoy! Jx

  2. And over here, where same-sex marriage is legal...we have the Australian Christian Lobby launching a fund raiser to help defray costs for a Rugger player who made an ill-considered remark about homosexuals burning in hell.

    1. It's only just been legalised, after a huge battle as I recall...

      Apart from Sydney, I'm not sure the populace is that tolerant of "otherness" - much like the USA outside of its coastal cities (New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles). I'm not really surprised the fascist "churches" are behind all this. Again. Loathe them with a vengeance.



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