Thursday 6 October 2011

You make my heart go giddy-up

Happy 65th birthday today to the chirpiest of early reggae/ska singers, Miss Millie Small!

One wonders if the seventeen-year-old Millie realised quite how suggestive this song was when she recorded it...

Millie on Wikipedia


  1. It's simply amazing how so many of our cherished stars are becoming pensioners of late. J-Jx

  2. Loved the edgier ska in the black and white version, compared to the more slicker studio backing



  3. I never thought I'd hear "My Boy Lollipop" described as "edgy" :-)


  4. Hehehe - well, in a way it was. I remember hearing it when I was just a kid, thinking "my god, what a dirty song!".

  5. I like this song but can't hear it now without thinking of Miss Ross who does a version of it (after a fashion).

    Topping & Butch used to do a great old song, from the 20's I think - about having the right key but working on the wrong keyhole - about the joys of anal sex - they got away with so much then with a little imagination.


  6. Ma Rainey (I believe) originated that song (see my first blog about The Vinyl Closet - they covered that era in great detail). Needless to say, George Melly was a fan.

    Michael Topping (as we discovered when we went to see him in a one-to-one interview on stage for Gay History Month a couple of years ago) is a great admirer of both... Jx


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