A 24-year-old living in London cannot wait to meet her 32 new rodent housemates, she has confirmed.The Daily Mash
Emma Bradford moves into the Dulwich one-bed studio apartment, in which she will co-habit with the large mouse brood, this week and thinks it will be fantastic.
She said: “My last houseshare was with an aspiring investment banker, a failing stand-up comic and a weed dealer. This is a real step-up.
“Apparently they do eat all your food, run about all night and shit everywhere but that’s no big deal to me because I’ve lived with students.
“Admittedly I do feel like the odd one out sometimes. There’s a WhatsApp group for house chores and who’s in and whatever and it’s all just squeaks and photos of cheese. And I shouldn’t say it but they’re hard to tell apart.
“It’s not ideal to be honest, but it’s close to the tube. And luckily the heating’s gone off again so they’ll probably all be dead within the week.”
Of course.
Any excuse, really, for a "mouse-based song" - such as this old fave. Definitely one of the most addictive songs ever...
Ram pampalam
Bambalam palam balam
Crikey, that sounds like that other addictive song from a few years back... whose name I can't recall. I am helpful like that. Anyhow, good tune!
I dunno. "Agadoo"? "Gangnam Style"? "Ooh-Wakka-Doo-Wakka-Day"? Jx
DeleteIs she drunk?
ReplyDeleteI sincerely hope so. Jx