Tuesday 1 January 2019

I couldn't have liked it more

Needless to say, we had a marvellous Kiki last night to see in the New Year, Much dancing was done, lots of booze consumed, and the grand buffet was (as it should have been) demolished. I was still up [I always like to clear everything into the bin so there's nothing to do the next day] at 6am!

Understandably, I did not surface till 4.30pm today...

There is only one song I can play, really.


Happy New Year, sweeties!


  1. Happy New Year dear!!!!

    Mine sound very much like yours. Ate to much, drink copious amounts of champagne and watched the fireworks from the windows here of my bijoux apartment. The only difference was I woke up with four guys in my king size bed. I don't have a spare bedroom. And I don't think anything transpired? I arose to get dinner in and went back to slumber.

    Now we're in the throws of the spectacle of mummery. Fabulous.

    1. To paraphrase Gran in AbFab (the movie version of which we are - finally - just settling down to watch): "Just the four, dear?"

      Mummery, schummery - there was some kind of parade here in London (The Lord Mayor's), but I slept through it :-)


  2. Glad you had a good one!!! Happy New Year!!
    I had too much to drink, which makes me wake early, so I was up at 5.30am. Ugh.

    1. Ugh, indeed. I was still pouring another cider at that hour. Jx

  3. It was indeed a marvellous party, thank you

    1. Poor Millicent wore a surrealist comb
      Made of bits of mosaic from St. Peter's in Rome
      But the weight was so great that she had to go home
      I couldn't have liked it more!



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