Sunday 3 February 2019

Gobbler's Knob...

...sounds like it should be a fun place! However, it's merely the (stupid) name of the "Hicksville" Pennsylvania venue where the legend of Punxsutawney Phil, and his predictions of whether Spring will come early in the States or not*, are played out to much hoo-ha.

Yes, it was Groundhog Day again yesterday, and as ever, thousands turned out to see whether an oversized rat spotted its own shadow or not, which is apparently how the prediction is made. [I'm not making this up, you know!]

A far more entertaining option would be to watch the 1993 classic film of the same title, starring Bill Murray, in my opinion - but any excuse, really to play the recurring song from that movie. Here's Sonny and Cher...

[*an early Spring, allegedly.]


  1. There is a place in Rehoboth Beach that serves much bigger tubular meat that that.

    1. I've had a few footlongs in my life, too, dear. Jx


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