Sunday 10 March 2019

Bad-tasting things must be good for you?

How the f**k is this a ‘cake’? ask dieters
People on diets are wondering how flattened pieces of shrivelled matter can possibly be called ‘cakes’.

Joanna Kramer, from Hatfield, said: “They should be called ‘sad rice’ or ‘bio-degradable non-food discs’. I do not appreciate being deceived in this way.”

Tom Logan, from Peterborough, added: “Granted, we also have urinal cakes, cakes of soap and yellow-cake uranium. They all taste better than rice cakes.”

Nutritionist Jane Thompson explained: “Rice ‘cakes’ were placed in British supermarkets as a hoax, but an industry grew up after they were bought by the sort of people who pretend to like awful food.

“Since then, they have found a home with other people who think bad-tasting things must be good for you.

“They are not cakes.”
The Daily Mash

Of course.

Here's an appropriate number...


  1. I actually snack on rice cakes, but of course Im adding a nice thickly sliced some kind of cheese on it.

    And I adore the number.

    1. I'd eat cheese on something more flavoursome, like a Krackawheat, personally. I agree with the Mash; to me, rice cakes remind me of raffia place-mats, and are probably just as nutritious. Jx

  2. There was a case, years ago, of a "drifter" whose stomach was found to contain "about a spoonful" of some sort of processed cereal and what appeared to be the cardboard packet in came in.
    Having been served rice cakes once I think I'd opt for cardboard...

    1. Probably the better option, I'd say. Jx

  3. I think I will stick with proper cake thank you very much.
    I do love a bit of cake


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