I mention it practically every time we return from Amsterdam [most notably here], but among its many, many, many joys, the city has perhaps the most inventive of all "fast-food" outlets anywhere - and our fave way of eating when we're there - the FEBO!
A couple of Euros in the slot, and you have immediately-satisfying kroketten, frikandellen, hamburgers or kaassoufflé to go - and there's a counter to order fries with mayonnaise or (best of all) peanut (satay) sauce!
I'm salivating as we speak...
To celebrate this great Dutch institution, and continuing our countdown to the 'Dam this Thursday, here are some lads who look like they've scoffed a frikandellen or several!
The lyrics roughly translate as:
Rather too fat in the coffin
Than missing another party
It doesn't matter, you don't have to carry it yourself!
Words of wisdom there, methinks.
Facts about FEBO:
- It was founded in 1941 as a bakery named "Maison FeBo" after Ferdinand Bolstraat in Amsterdam.
- In the chain there are now more than 60 shops across the Netherlands, and 22 of those are in Amsterdam.
- The FEBO motto is De Lekkerste, or "the tastiest".
- Both the cheese pancakes (kaassoufflé) and the peanut sauce are adapted from the street foods of Indonesia, for many years a Dutch colony.
- Kroketten (croquettes) were ostensibly an import from France, where they were a delicacy at least as far back as Louis XIV, but probably originated in Jewish cuisine.
- Frikandellen, on the other hand, though widely disputed in origin, appear to have been invented as recently as 1958 - when the first skinless minced-meat sausage was placed into deep fat to sizzle itself into becoming Holland's #1 snack food...
I can imagine the Febo being vandalised in the UK, otherwise why don't we have a food outlet like that?!
Unfortunately, we're too in thrall to the Americans - MacDonalds, KFC and so on; let's face it, how many British or European "fast food outlets" can we name? - that FEBO quite wisely thought "stick to what we know" and never even tried to come to the UK. Jx