Swap the word "feminism" for "gay rights", "women" and "girls" for "homosexuals", "men" and "male" for "heterosexual(s)" and so on in this treatise by Dr Jessica Eaton:
“Feminism is the liberation of women and girls all over the world from the patriarchy and misogyny that continues to harm and oppress them as a class of people. Feminism centres women unflinchingly and unapologetically. Feminism is the conversation about women’s issues in the world; without having to add some tokenistic sentence at the end acknowledging that men also experience some things too. Yah, we know. But we are talking about women right now, so hush.Amen.
The problem with saying that we are working towards women becoming equal to men is that it frames men and male cultures as being the optimum culture or the ideal goal that women should reach to become equal. I’m here to say: what a crock of shit. For women to be valid, whole human beings in society – feminism has got to move beyond this notion that women are striving for what men already have.
I don’t want anything men already have. None of it. It’s a mess.”
I don't care which side of the damn' street you walk, so long as you are not rude or violent towards people. Because that's what we all are. Might sound simplistic, but I'm sick of the "high and mighty" speeches about equality that just generate more speeches.
ReplyDeleteMaybe so, but on the other hand it gives one pause for thought to reflect on the fact that - just maybe - "equal" was not the goal. Recognition and the right to "be" is, in the long run, as important. No-one seeks, or at least should not seek, "special treatment". On the other hand, homogeneity is just as unhealthy. I see where she's coming from, from my own point of view. I do not want marriage, adoption rights nor assimilation into a "heteronormative" world. Nor do I want to be hated for not being [shudders] "normal". The debate continues, depending on one's perspective. Jx
DeleteYou are quite right. And I was over-simplifying things. I've had some hateful and hurtful barbs myself for the way I've chosen to live.I love my friends for the people they are.
DeleteWe just want the right to be individuals, I guess; to get on with life without being picked on for being different. That's what I would like to see in any case.
Precisely. Jx