Wednesday 29 June 2022

Claim to fame?

A pair of false eye lashes and a tube of cheap lipstick
A pair of worn out high heel shoes and a dress doesn't fit
These are all my possessions all I have to my name
And a record played in my home town is my only claim to fame



  1. As she says. "It takes a lotta money to look this cheap."

    1. And as Laurie Anderson brilliantly observed:

      I turned on the radio and I heard a song by Dolly Parton.
      And she was singing:
      Oh! I feel so sad! I feel so bad!
      I left my mom and I left my dad.
      And I just want to go home now.
      I just want to go back in my Tennessee mountain home now.

      Well, you know she's not gonna go back home.
      And I know she's not gonna go back home.
      And she knows she's never gonna go back there...


  2. Isn't she a love? And such a good, kind person. Humble, still. I wish she ran the world. Thanks for this. Such a treat. Kizzes.

    1. She is a wonderful lady! I wish there were more like her around. Jx

  3. Actually, yes, I think I wish she ran the world as well - wouldn’t it be lovely?

  4. She's not my kinda singin' but she's done more good with her $$$ than a few billionaires I could name. Encouraging kids to read? That's my team!

    (Oh! Please don't give that Johnson idiot a guitar and and a microphone!)

    Pleease, doan give that guy the mike. Oh pleeeeaee doan do that t'us tonight. We paid him all our money now he's here t' make us fight. [for more ] Oh, pleeease doan give that man the mike.

    I'm here all week!

    1. I'm no Country'n'Western fan, but there's something about Dolly that's impossible not to like...

      The last PM who was let loose with a guitar was that oleaginous twat Blair, and look where that got us! Jx


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