Thursday 16 June 2022

We are NOT going up that staircase together!

Fuck "mortal sin". Let's go to the movies - with a Tired Old Queen!

Oh, how we love a bit of melodrama - especially with our Patron Saint Miss Bette Davis chewing the scenery!


  1. Tired Old Queen and Bette Davis are one of my all time favorite combinations.

  2. It might be time for another Bette Davis marathon at our house.

    1. Because she's worth it! Jx

    2. If you do dear try to include 'The Letter' it's one of my faves ( but then all her films are my faves)

  3. OMG, I love that film!!!! I wanted to grow up to be a rich, spoilt socialite!! Which was probably a bit of a tough call considering I grew up on a Gough-Cooper housing estate in the commuter belt.

    1. Sorry, Ms Scarlet, for the late response but suddenly I have found your comments are being sent to my junk mail (which is odd, as they never used to!).

      Anyhoo, I had to look up Gough-Cooper as I had never heard of it/them - but from what the Google picture search turned up, I think we might have been brought up in very similar-looking 1960s estates...

      And no, I never achieved my ambition to be a rich, spoilt socialite either. Jx


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