Monday 27 June 2022

Way Up High

Back to the grind again, dear reader...

...however, this is the start of a very significant countdown - it's the first Gay Pride in London for three years this Saturday!

Who could be more appropriate on this Tacky Music Monday to lead the fanfare than our beloved Patron Saint of questionable history, Miss Amanda Lear herself?!

Have a good week, folks.


  1. Well thanks heavens Im off today. Im just back late from the New York Pride and it was pure bliss and packed....with excitement , rivalry and fabulousness and a huge dose of Im sure we're next. But we never back down from a fight. No where's the ice packs and sunglasses darling.........

  2. It's only rough diamonds... only rough diamonds. Amanda Lear! To my own heart be true... let us hope this never happens to us! Kizzes.

    1. Dis Miss Lear sing Rough Diamonds? I thought that was Madleen Kane... Jx


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