Saturday, 28 December 2024

Ain't no stopping

It's that "bit in the middle" time again - and, despite "our gang" having been at his place till late last night watching films, John-John and I are off on our annual shopping trip to Chiswick.

There ain't no stopping us...

Wish us luck...


  1. Replies
    1. It's a bit of a hit-or-miss situation, where charity shops are concerned! If people receive loads of unwanted stuff for Xmas - or if Grandad dies and they're clearing the house - there might be a glut of possibly suitable clothes or books. We got one item each, so that's something. One takes one's chances... Jx

  2. A shopping spree in Chiswick sounds so cosmopolitan.

    1. It's all very chi-chi and "smart suburban", but I've never really thought of leafy Chiswick as being "Cosmopolitan". I mean - we saw Sophie Ellis-Bextor, her family and her Mum shopping there once, so you just know it's a bit posh! Jx

  3. Les girls, comme faire du shopping la rue de Faubourg St Honoré et la rue Montaigne, le paradis.
    -Beau Mec

    1. Chiswick's charity shops hardly compare with the Place Vendôme, mon cher... Jx

  4. Ain't no stopping us now ..... It's Time to Shop

    1. ...and both us us made purchases! Which makes a change. Jx


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