Monday, 16 December 2024

This odd diversity of misery and joy

Grrrr. Monday. It's grim.

There are some things that are certain to cheer one up at the start of a week, however!

One of them is our beloved Sir Noël Coward, The Master, whose 125th birthday it is today!

The other is the assembled talents of a bevy of drag queens. From Belgium.

Put 'em together on a Tacky Music Monday, and what do you get? This old fave!

Have a good week, dear reader.


  1. All Hail The Master
    Fab video to celebrate his 125th

    1. He would tut. A lot. Underneath, however, I think he'd appreciate the tribute. Jx

  2. What a tribute! Nothing tacky about this music. And Noel Coward was definitely The Master. Pure genius.

    1. It's a stunning video and stunning rendition of The Master's most impressive song. As I've said before, "Tacky Music Monday" isn't always true to the epithet "tacky", but more often than not takes a leap into the ultra-camp end of the musical spectrum, in an effort to cheer us up as we head to work again. This fits that bill perfectly, methinks! Glad you enjoyed it, Mitchell. Jx

  3. I hadn't seen that video in sometime. How old is that? About 9 or 10 years old? All this hoppla and thrown in some Beethoven for extra fun.

    It was very dark, rainy, and extremely foggy today...I dare even say a London Fog. But yet, almost 60 degrees.

    1. Gosh, yes - it's years old! No idea what happened to M Gallavin's career either, as he doesn't appear to have done much since. Jx

      PS We haven't seen much in the way of a "pea-souper" fog in years - but then again, we are on much higher ground than the City or the West End.


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