Monday, 23 December 2024

Gone away is the bluebird

It it all over yet? No..?

Ah well - on this Tacky Music Monday, as we head to the office again (for only a couple of days, admittedly), I might as well drag out the Del Rubio Triplets again!

Bah Humbug.


  1. To be honest...I did put my ears on and gave them about 10 seconds.
    I still wish you lots of whatever you like to do at this season
    Me? Well. I have choice this year...Christmas and Hanukkah both on 25th so Shalom! and up yours!

  2. But, sleigh bells ring and we're happy tonight. Are you listening? Gotta love those Del Rubios.

    1. Every one of 'em is jingling away somewhere in Fabulon... Jx

  3. You can drag out the Del Rubio Triplets as often as you like I think they are adorable

  4. I remember them performing Neutron Dance on The Golden Girls. I don't want to take it anymore...

    1. They apparently had a hit with their cover of Devo's Whip It, too! Quite remarkable, really. Jx


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