Monday 22 April 2024

Don't make no lifer out of me

This is how I always greet a Monday. NOT!

Too soon, too soon. I'd hardly got in the "weekend mood", and here we are again. Same old shit, different day week.

Hey ho.

Among a raft of birthday celebrants that include Issey Miyake, Glen Campbell, Bettie Page, Kathleen Ferrier, Jack Nicholson, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Yehudi Menuhin, Vladimir Nabokov, Dame Ethel Smyth, Immanuel Kant, Henry Fielding, Charles Mingus, Peter Frampton, Donald Tusk, Aaron Spelling, and - erm - Vladimir Lenin, it's "The Pope of Filth" John Waters' birthday today!

On this Tacky Music Monday, we deserve this - a double-bill of Johnny Depp at his most gorgeous, in one of Mr Waters' finest films...

Have a good week, dear reader.


  1. The image of Mr Depp (before pressing 'play') in the High School Hellcats video makes him look, rather unfortunately, like Jonathan Ross.

    1. How very disconcerting. Jx

    2. I might have to watch Edward Scissorhands to get over it.

    3. Or just the bit in Cry-Baby where he escapes prison down a laundry chute in his tighty-whities. On a loop. Works for me! Jx

  2. The very thought of Mr Depp in his tighty-whities is enough to make me swoon.
    A touch of Kathleen Ferrier wouldn't have hurt though.
    Happy birthday to the whole mixed bunch of them.

    1. I can't quite imagine - had she lived long enough to have the opportunity - Kathleen Ferrier in a John Waters movie... Jx

      PS Mr Depp's tighty-whities are forever etched in my psyche


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