Saturday 20 April 2024

Girl, I'll just forget you

Sigh. I love the 80s...

I'm heading off to Holborn later for another "gathering of the clans" at one of our semi-regular "Film Club" afternoon/evenings - but I am on a bit of a nostalgia kick today.

Can it really be FORTY YEARS since this one was in our charts [scraping the lower echelons thereof, admittedly]..?

I wonder what Miss Brenda Shannon Greene's doing these days?


  1. Now that is a blast from the past. But a fun one.

    1. A blast from the past, indeed! - and with one of the oddest videos... Jx

  2. Dang, but I really missed a lot of music in the 80s! xoxo

  3. This sounds so much like her much superior Let the Music Play that I'm not sure I knew it was two separate songs until just now.

    1. I agree - her producers probably made a bit of a mistake in trying to repeat a winning formula, hence why this never really made much of a dent on the charts... Still catchy, though! Jx

  4. Love it and love the video. I think they should have featered the lovely chap with the fab big hair and tarzan thong a bit more though.

    1. I agree. More videos should feature semi-clad boys in Tarzan thongs, in my opinion. Jx


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