Monday 13 May 2019

We're gonna do the bom bom

So, the sky is clear and the sun is shining - at last, May is doing what it is supposed to, after the grotty and cold snap we've had lately. Unfortunately, all this has come in time for us to return to the delights of the bastard office.

Never mind, eh? We at Dolores Delargo Towers are in full countdown mode to this weekend's Eurovision party, so...

...on this Tacky Music Monday, sod thinking about work, get your skimpiest, most outrageous clobber on, and enjoy the (ahem) talents of Svetlana Loboda!

Have a good week, peeps.


  1. Replies
    1. Quite unlike anyone on that stage... Jx

  2. I love how the camera work, lights and stage effects all combine to ensure you can't see what the fuck is going on.

    1. It is a brilliant piece of cinematography, indeed. The Lumière brothers would have been so proud. Jx

      PS This was the first time (and probably the last, given Putin's legislation against the gays) that the contest was staged in Moscow. It showed.

  3. Methinks -
    Our Party will be more fun than the Eurovision extravaganza itself.


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