Saturday 5 October 2019

Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid

We're off to spend a lengthy part of the day in the function room in a pub in Farringdon for another of our legendary Film Club gatherings - this time, the excuse being Crog's birthday. Expect lots of booze and nibbles to be consumed, jolly japes to be had...

...and Elton John! [The main film we have lined up is Rocketman.] And why not?

I think we'll definitely be doing a full re-creation of that entire dance routine this afternoon.


  1. My little lad dances to this song!

    1. Does he do all the moves? Jx

    2. I don't know, hw does it at "after school club", they play Let's Dance on the projector screen and this is one of his favourites

  2. Hope you had a good time and don't have too much of a hangover this morning...and that you are still standing!

    1. It was an excellent afternoon/evening and, even after nine hours' solid drinking and three films I don't feel too bad today. The sun is now shining, so that helps - and the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers are featured over at Mistress MJ's place, which is a pleasant bonus! Jx


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