Friday 11 October 2019

Molly coddled?

Van Damme-it!

It's pissing down, grey and miserable here today - but who gives a toss, when the weekend is almost upon us?

We need something funky to get ourselves into the grind [although I don't think I'll be attempting any Jean-Claude Van Damme splits at my age]. News of the passing of jazz-funk saxophonist Malcolm "Molly" Duncan this week prompted me to dig out this much-sampled classic [the man's finest work] by way of a tribute - and so...

...Thank Disco It's Friday!

Have a good weekend, dear reader.


  1. Blimey, haven't heard that for a while.
    Yep, tres soggy here, the dog isn't even pestering for a walk.

    1. Who could blame him? Murk is not my favourite weather, either. Jx

  2. Replies
    1. This particular song was a hit in '75, but the band had been going a while before that. Jx

  3. Too bad Van Damme is such a jerk, I've always like a man who could do a split.

    1. Back when he looked like this, I would have given him a jerk. Jx

  4. Loved the AWB when I was at school


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