Friday 4 October 2019

The best you can get 50 miles around

Oh yes - the end of another week draws ever closer, and for that we are very grateful indeed.

We have another of our notorious all-day "film club" gatherings tomorrow upstairs in a pub in Farringdon for our in-law/outlaw Crog's birthday, so that is the party-planning sorted!

All we need is something to get us in the mood... about Austria's ultimate "Love Machine" of 1977?

Thank - ahem - Disco It's Friday!

What a stud-muffin he is, too.

Have a good weekend, peeps.


  1. I don't remember this. He looks a little wooden to be the best, but maybe that's his selling point?

    1. When I stumbled upon it, I was convinced it was a spoof. Until I realised it was German. Jx

  2. I don’t remember this song at all. Or maybe I forced myself to forget it.

    1. I don't think the apple strayed far from the tree - huge in Middle Europe, but no so much elsewhere in the world... Jx

  3. Kurt Hauenstein - I remember him very well. ''World of today'' was his other contribution to more than one hot night here in Austria in the late 70's.

    1. I'm tempted by the thought of a "hot night in Austria" - it's a country that's been on my "bucket list" for ever; never yet visited... Jx

  4. A man knitting? A woman sitting with her legs apart?? And another woman smoking a cigar?!? Abnormal indeed - pass me the smelling salts in case I pass out before wishing you a happy weekend!


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