Monday 1 February 2021

Camarera! Dos más, por favour...

Where we should be right now

Okay, I know there's a pandemic on and all that and it is not possible, but my dreams of Spain are vivid at this time of year. When it's all wet and cold and horrid, who can blame me for wanting to be sat on the terrace of a beach bar, looking at the Mediterranean with a Tinto de Verano in hand?

As it is, at least I'm not glued to the bastard work laptop as I am on leave for a fortnight - and being a Tacky Music Monday, we have the delights of Spain's magnificently camp diva Sarah Montiel (and her bizarrely-clad homosexuales seguridad) to cheer us up!

¡Que tengas una buena semana, querido lector!"


  1. Darling Jon,

    How we have missed these delightful pick-me-ups from our blogging chums!

    This is a perfect antidote to lockdown blues. Thank goodness our minds are still free to roam amongst past memories and happier times.

    All will be well.

    1. It's good to see that in these lockdown times, more people appear to be returning to Blogger for solace - glad to be of some help in the "pick-me-up" stakes!

      There will be happier times ahead. We are optimistic that 2021 will not be as dire as 2020... Jx

  2. Blimey, that was a long intro of flouncing about. I thought she was singing HRT for a moment there.
    Have a good week, Jon!

    1. In my experience Spanish divas never lose an opportunity for an extended flounce; before, after and during a performance, usually! Jx

  3. Where did you get or invent the phrase safety gays? Whose safety?

    Thanks for introducing me to this very talented lady.

  4. Sorry not meaning to be rude. It's probably just a joke I don't get.

    1. "Many things in the world have not been named; and many things, even if they have been named, have never been described. One of these is the sensibility - unmistakably modern, a variant of sophistication but hardly identical with it - that goes by the cult name of 'Camp.'" - Susan Sontag, Notes On Camp

  5. That unexplained it nicely.

    I love these Diva posts and look forward to them

  6. Those truly are revolting outfits Ms Montiel's "homosexuales seguridad" are wearing. I'm getting a Wizard of Oz vs Rainbow/Rod Jane & Freddy vibe.

    I hope you're stocked up with sangria for your fortnight off?

    1. Hideous, aren't they? Still, Señorita Montiel doesn't seem to mind.

      Sangria, Tinto de Verano, Mojitos, half-a-gallon-of-gin measures... Sunshine. Sigh. The things that dreams are made of! Jx

  7. Replies
    1. Even towards the end, she was unmistakably "La Leyenda Sarita"! Jx


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