Thursday 2 September 2021

An annual lesson in misery

Excited for September? Of course not. The ninth month of the year is an annual lesson in misery and disappointment, and here’s why:

It’s noticeably darker
The nights have been drawing in for a while, but it was so gradual that you barely noticed. September makes it unignorable that it’s going dark by around half-seven and if you happen to miss it cretins will point out this annual seasonal phenomenon and expect you to be pleased.

There’s no celebrations
October’s got Halloween, November’s got bonfire night, and you know the deal with December. September offers us fuck all and expects us to be happy about it. Even if it’s your birthday this month it’ll be tainted by the realisation that your parents were shagging on Christmas morning during Carols from King’s.

Autumn officially starts
Only sick freaks actually enjoy wet leaves, cold drizzle, and coffees pumped full of twatty syrups. You’ll be mildly interested in noticing that the trees have changed colour for two seconds before remembering that you’ve seen this countless times in the past and you don’t care.

You’ll get a cold
Never fun in summer but at least it seems an unfair exception. These days it’s not only the traditional herald of a season of sickness but will cause you to briefly panic that you’ve got you-know-what. Not debilitating enough for time off work, but you’re blowing your nose 24/7 and pissing off everyone around you. Will hang around until March.

Even its name makes no sense
September’s the ninth month of the year but it’s from the Latin for seven. What’s that about? Sure, some emperors fucked things up 2,000 years ago by inventing new months and bumping back the rest, but we should have fixed this glaring error by now.

The Daily Mash

Of course.


  1. God (oh! take your pick..there must be dozens!) bless the Daily Mash.Like Private Eye and the better cartoonists, they nail things.

    1. Of course, for you, it must be Spring... Jx

    2. Yes and we kicked off with a mini-flood.(roots had grown into a ground drain, but nothing a strong bloke with a shovel couldn't fix.)

    3. I wait with bated breath for your next blog post about the trials and tribulations of this move... Jx

    4. Oh, please don't hold your breath Get Madame A. to pour you a snifter. I hope to be back on-line tomorrow. But...well, things can go all tapsalteerie, ye ken.

    5. The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men gang aft agley... Jx

  2. Saw the picture and I immediately thought of that thoughtful sp/hunk 'Post 10' Everyone needs a good raking occasionally to get their drainage opened and eventually cleared away. Whirlpools anyone.

    1. I've heard of this bizarre viral-video-of-a-man-clearing-drains, but I've never seen it/him... Jx

    2. I'm sure Peenee or Norma featured them within the last year or so? I can remember watching a video of some berk in waders creating whirlpools in flooded streets. It was quite hypnotic.

  3. It's September? Already? WTAF? It's still fire season here, hotter than usual, and I'm not ready!!! xoxo

    1. It feels like autumn here, and has done since July, so we're ready for anything... Jx

  4. September? Apparently we are having another heatwave from tomorrow until the day after - it can be felt for an hour at lunchtime.

    1. Forecast here is continuing gloom on the weekend, but warming up next week when we're back in work. Ho hum. Jx

  5. Ha! My birthday is September 3rd-- at least I can enjoy the joke that my mother was in labor on Labor Day...

    1. A joke that's paid dividends for many years, I expect - happy belated birthday! Jx

  6. nonus-ember doesn't sound any better either !


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