Friday 24 September 2021

That was just a lie!

Reach! For the stars...

Yesterday, regular reader Uptonking said: "I need me some disco ball fairy dust magic, dammit."

Who am I to argue?

Let's boogie our way into the weekend with this selection of fabulosity - and Thank Disco It's Friday!

Have a great one, daaaahlings!


  1. Many kizzes for the shout out and for supplying the beats. My dear! I would happily trip the light fantastic with you any time. Thanks for including my faves: George, Moby and those crazy girls in the Ritchie Family. LOVE IT. Have a fabu time!

  2. The above photograph reminded me of a documentary I recently watched about a man called Sam with an 80lb scrotum, it was like a space hopper!

  3. I have an appointment with my eye specialist next month.Should I mention that I read that as "disco ball hairy dust"?


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