Sunday 2 January 2022

Ebey'tings comin' up rho-ziz, por me and por chu!

A Public Service Announcement [click to embiggen]

The last Sunday before the madness kicks off again - although tomorrow is still a bank holday, so at least our first week back to work will be a short one - and I'm in the mood for some classy showbiz pizazz!

Here's the megastar Señorita Googie Gomez instead:

[live at the Southland Theatre Artists Goodwill Event (S.T.A.G.E.) in 2011, a gala raising funds for the AIDS Project Los Angeles]

Oh, how I wish I had been in the audience for this event..!

More about the camp classic movie The Ritz [from whence Googie originated] here and, of course, here.


  1. Love The Ritz in all its incarnations. And Rita? There will never be another. She is amazing. Have a lovely holiday. Kizzes.

    1. The Ritz is one of my all time favourite films! I am aware that there was a stage musical adaptation, but it didn't seem to go anywhere (certainly not to London, more's the pity!).

      She is indeed amazing. Long may she reign. Jx

  2. A welcome return. Googie we missed you
    Great fun and a fab way to start the new year.

    1. I thought Googie would brighten things up round here! Jx

  3. Oh that was fun!
    I am in a muddle re the bank holidays - I think Tuesday should be a bank holiday too.

    1. I think the whole week should be - I'm not ready yet... Jx


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