Sunday 1 May 2022

First we gotta cool down

"Hip, hip, hooray!
The First of May
Outdoor sex begins today!"

It is indeed May Day/Beltane/Walpurgisnacht/whatever - and true to form on a Bank Holiday weekend, it's been drizzling all day.

Let's combine the two things neatly - with a classic!

That song is thirty-two years old! How did that happen..?


  1. Also drizzling here and no where near warm enough to be strutting my stuff outdoors. Sigh. There is hope in the forecast for next week... let's hope we're on an upswing. My swing could use a little upping! Kizzes.

    1. It's a typically unpredictable Spring here - yesterday was warm and sunny, and I spent hours pottering in the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers. Today, I was dodging the dankness while shopping...

      Tomorrow, who knows? Jx

  2. Cold here - overcast and bleurgh. Apparently the weather is going to be better next weekend - late to the party again.

    1. Our skies were similar up until about 3.30, when we had some lovely sunshine while I was pottering in the garden - then the skies turned completely black. I'm back indoors now. With the lamp on! Jx


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