Thursday 30 May 2024

Say I'm chasin' rainbows livin' in a dream

Many happy returns tomorrow to Hollywood superstar Colin Farrell! Time's a terrible thing.

Another "snippets post" today, dear reader:

Extra: A memory lane mindfuck! Can it really be thirty years this week since "The Summer of Wet Wet Wet's Love Is All Around" [which was at the top of the charts right through until September 1994] began? Terrifying.

Much better was this one, which was just heading out of the Top Ten that same week:

And now, the weather - blustery.


  1. Thankfully, Snettisham is far, far west of here, so the chickens are off my radar. The peacocks at Alby are another matter though. They are increasing their number and Alby is only a few miles away!

    P.S. In my eyes, Colin Farrell was the sexiest man alive 20odd years ago. Sadly, not any more - and certainly not whenever that GIF is from.

    1. "The Chickens Are Off My Radar" could be the title a chapter of your forthcoming autobiography, Mr DeVice...

      I wonder if Colin Farrell has an exhibit in the Reykjavik Penis Museum? I've seen THAT sex tape, so he probably should have. Jsx

  2. Crikey - I feel like I remember the video, but not the tune - which is an odd state of affairs.
    At least the Norfolk village isn't being terrorised by feral penis's. And where is the chicken museum when we need one?

    1. Feral penises?! I imagine Mr DeVice would be pootling off in his Mazda to Snettisham like a shot if there were! Jx

      PS Chicken museum? There's one in France and one in the Netherlands...

  3. In Answer to the lovely Ms Scarlet in search of a chicken museum ;

    'Musée De La Bresse':
    The Bresse chicken is so important in France they have their own Museum.

    The 'Dutch Poultry Museum' in Barneveld.

    For the more artisic among us there is the;
    'Seoul Museum of Chicken Art'

    and there is of course
    The 'Rubber Chicken Museum' in Seattle

    Hope this helps. Ttfn.

    1. That's two more than I linked to. I wonder if they do takeaway? Jx


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