Tuesday 28 May 2024

The Empress of Soul

Aaaaaaaarrrggh! Back to reality.

After a really busy few weeks (Eurovision and a ten-day excursion to Spain), I am not ready for this...

Hey ho. Sharing a birthday (as she does) with a variety of "names" such as our very own Princess Kylie Minogue, Dame Thora Hird, Ian Fleming, Patricia Quinn [aka "Magenta" in Rocky Horror] (80 years old!), Faith Brown (also 80!), John Fogerty, William Pitt the Younger, Carey Mulligan, Clough Williams-Ellis, Mary Portas, Maeve Binchy, Wendy O. Williams, György Ligeti and - ahem - Rudy Giuliani, a lady we have seen live in concert, the truly faboo Gladys Knight blows out 80 candles on her cake today!

Only the great lady's soothing dulcets can save us now...

...and my favourite:

I've said it before and I'll say it again - all my life, all I wanted was to be a "Pip"!

Many happy returns, Gladys Maria Knight (born 28th May 1944)!


  1. Oh, I always wanted to be a Pip, too! My sister used to give me dance lessons before any affair. Unfortunately, she taught me how to dance like a back-up dancer ... the Temptations, Dave Clark Five, and the Pips.

    1. There are worse things to be taught than how to twirl and snap your fingers in time with the music, like the Pips! Jx

  2. Happy birthday, Gladys!!!
    I feel bad for you, Jon. Not only are you back to the grind, but the weather is being particularly unseasonal, too. Take care, m'dear!

    1. Oh, it is horrid, isn't it? At least the rain while we were away meant the garden thrived without us. I feel today's continuing grimness just suits the mood for going back to the office. Jx

  3. Welcome Back!

    A youngish Gladys was shown in concert over the weekend, I watched it for 5 minutes, I'm afraid she doesn't appeal to me, I can't name a single song of hers unlike Dionne Warwick who I adore.

    Did you get to visit Torremolinos, if so, did you see if that young man was still there, the one who does expressive dancing? I gave him a euro wrapped in a bit of paper with the name of the hotel and the room number, sadly he didn't visit.

    1. We were in Torremolinos every night, Mitzi! There were plenty of expressive dancers there, mainly thanks to the drugs being dealt outside that dodgy straight place Bar Help opposite Mens Bar... Jx

  4. I tell a lie, she sang License to Kill.

    1. One of the best Bond themes of all (Shirl notwithstanding, of course). Jx

  5. My echo/Alexa gave me the American spelling for licence, I thought it looked odd.

    1. Everything's American these days, more's the pity... Jx

  6. Ah, happy birthday, Gladys! (And Princess Kylie!)

    I find myself rather taken by her pink frock in the first video.

  7. I love Gladys Knight! We spent many a fun time dancing to her and the Pips! Sweet memories! It's Grey Gloom here in LA, too, sweetpea! xoxo

  8. I'm still mopping-up laughter tears at your "left-over Vaseline" at IDV's place. Oo-er, missus!

  9. Oops, oops, I missed you yesterday, but welcome back.

  10. Such an amazing Voice.
    Happy 80th Glady.

    1. Unlike so many of 'em, she still has a voice that's powerful enough to get all the high notes - as we experienced at Proms in the Park! Jx


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