Monday 27 May 2024

While you were away...

Wow. What an adventure...

We've returned [and are still in recovery mode] from a fantabulosa TEN DAYS in sunny Spain, taking in all the sights, tastes and sensory delights - starting in the beautiful Andalusian capital Seville, then to the historic fortified port city of Cadiz, and on to "the home of sherry", Jerez de la Frontera, before travelling cross-country to Malaga and the Costa del Sol for a week of hedonism:

We feel very proud of our achievement - we had booked lovely apartments in each location, meandered our way around cities we had never explored without problem, found some atmospheric little bars and some utterly faboo restaurants, took in some magnificent architecture, and even the dystopian nightmare that is public transport in Spain [there are so few inter-city trains that everything needs to be pre-booked in advance (which we didn't know) so we ended up travelling from Seville to Cadiz by coach, and had to catch a train at 7.30am in order to get from Jerez to Malaga] didn't mar the experience!

But what did we miss while we were away?

Apart from the ghastly ongoing wars in Ukraine and Gaza, the biggest news was that PM Rishi Sunak has called a general election in the UK for 4th July. Cue endless weasel words and false promises from all sides. Sigh. We were in Cadiz for their local launch of the International Day Against Homophobia [plus, plus, plus - they keep adding bits to it every year], so I missed the opportunity to post our traditional message for bigots, opressors and tyrants everywhere: "Fuck You!" Opportunely, one of those very tyrants the President of Iran was killed in a helicopter crash last week. Boo hoo.

We also missed the RHS Chelsea Flower Show! That's a whole week of TV viewing on catch-up to look forward to...

Birthdays we missed included the centenaries of The Boy Friend creator Sandy Wilson, one of our fave singer-songwriters Charles Aznavour and the BBC's longest-serving DJ Desmond Carrington, Patti LaBelle's 80th, (Diana's brother) Earl Spencer's 60th (and the birthdays of Patron Saints Cher and Grace Jones, as well as those of Liberace, Rosemary Clooney, Stanley Baxter [still with us, aged 98], Dame Joan Collins, Miriam Margolyes and Victoria Wood), and...

...ultimate sex god Tom Daley's 30th birthday! Gulp. And I would. All of it...

[Full video here]

There was a raft of departures, too, including 9 to 5 actor Dabney Coleman, early 1960s crooner, yodeller and heartthrob Frank Ifield [who I didn't even know was still alive], sexy '70s Olympic champion swimmer David Wilkie and prolific Disney songs composer Richard Sherman. RIP, all.

But did I bring anything back for your delectation, dear reader, I hear you ask..?

Of course! [And it's still a Tacky Music Monday, even if it's another Bank Holiday here - this just can't be any tackier if it tried!]

My song. How sweet.

Is it good to be back?



RIP, Jan de Kapper, longtime host of one of our "go-to" bars in Benalmadena over the years, The Buddha Bar.


  1. You both look very dapper, and svelte! And happy! I bet you’re already planning next year’s holiday.
    Yeah, flipping election thingy wotsit - and all the crazy promises that’ll be forgotten by August. Sigh.

    1. We're always happy when we're on holiday, Ms Scarlet! We have already booked for our traditional long weekend in Amsterdam in August, but apart from that, no plans to go back to Spain until - gulp! - next February...

      Yes, returning to Blighty, and work, and stupid-bloody-election stuff, and all that goes with it, is no joy. Jx

      PS Dapper? Svelte? Good heavens! The camera does lie, after all.

  2. SweetMarySunshine, but y'all look MARVELOUS, sweetpea! 10 days in Spain is a dream come true for me, so I am most jealous of y'all's holiday! My daughter and granddaughter have a week in Paris planned for the winter break and I'm trying to figure out a way to horn in on that vacation! xoxox

    1. We certainly came back with a tan, Savvy - it was sunny every day (even though the first few days were very windy)! Food for the soul.

      A week in Paris in midwinter? Make sure you pack yer thermals. And lots of waterproof clothing! It's a beautiful city, however, no matter the weather. Jx

  3. Welcome back! (I expect Scarlet will now fall off her marathon blogging wagon and pass the baton back to you!).
    I'm looking forward to Amsterdam, vicariously...

    1. I was certainly impressed that Ms Scarlet rediscovered her "blogging mojo" and did such a great job of a blog every day for ten days. Are we taking bets on whether this means there won't be any more "Wonky Words" for months now? 🤣

      Amsterdam's a while away yet, Dinah! Jx

    2. Droom maar lekker! Jx

  4. Ooh, the culture! The blouses! (Except any Primark ones, naturally) Welcom back.

    Now, did (not so) young Tom make that video just for you?

    1. I asked him very nicely for a workout on his buttocks... Jx

  5. It was an amazing holiday and I loved every moment.
    Our adventure through Andalusia was truly amazing. I felt somewhere between Michael Portillo's 'railway journeys' and Rick Stein's 'long weekends'
    Fabulous to have a week in Malaga to recover, there I was back to being Judith Chalmers

    1. We certainly came back a colour that Miss Chalmers might recognise...

      It was a faboo holiday! Still basking in the memories. Jx


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