Thursday 30 July 2020

The "Book of Dreams"

RIP, the Argos catalogue. Everything you ever wanted in life was there...


  1. I think I've seen all those coffee tables in real life at some point! And the rugs.

    1. I remember many houses with decor like that - including the bizarre "decorative" coal scuttles and companion sets sat next to a gas fire! Jx

  2. Astro Wars I remember fondly and we had the green onyx table lighter, sometimes it would run out of flints, when that happened, it was my duty to light my parents cigs on the gas cooker, I was the only child in our class with a smokers cough, can you imagine that today?

    1. I remember I kept singeing my fringe from lighting my cigarettes on the gas cooker! And my nose.

    2. My mother made my father and his friends smoke outside, even in the 70s, so we never had lighters in the house - but I do remember the upstairs of every bus was always like a pea-souper fog, so I think everyone had a nicotine habit by the time they were nine.

      When I first started smoking, Consulates were popular, but as they were white I was always lighting the bloody filter end... Jx

    3. Consulates were gorgeous! I started on St Moritz - had a gold band around the filter, I think we stole them from my friend's mum. And we also liked those long menthol More cigarettes. We were scruffy teenagers - but obviously we were the height of sophistication at our school.

    4. A bit of a step up from Embassy Regal... Jx


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