Bah Humbug. We in London are now in a new "Tier 4", which basically means that anyone who left it till the last minute to buy presents from Primark or similar won't now be able to, as they'll be closed, along with hairdressers and other "non-essential" shops. No-one's now allowed to go and visit anyone anyway to exchange gifts, so it won't make a lot of difference. However, prompted by the efforts of Dinahmow and IDV, I have a managed to gather few prezzies together for all my regular Blogger chums...
For Mr Device - well it was obvious, really:
For Ms Scarlet, who has always fancied herself as Clara Bow, this:
For Dinah-Down-Under...
For the perpetually sexually frustrated Mistress Maddie, a PPE-wrapped and certified COVID-safe hunk of totty:
For Anne-Marie (hopefully they're big enough)...
For Norma and all her pooches:
And speaking of pets, a joint present for Mr Peenee and Saki...
Mitzi might get her maid-of-all-works Carmen to make this:
For the ever-vigilant grammarian Cool Cookie:
For Savvy:
And last but not least, for The Very Mistress MJ - her favourite kind of baubles...
For anybody else I have missed, there's a choice of this...
...or this:

And finally - here's SANTA!
Now, back to being a Grinch.
Ooh, I like my gift, thank you! And those ears will surely act just like Hermes' winged sandals so I can swoop in and nab Maddie's gift while she's spreading that gin!
ReplyDeleteAnd there's me thinking you'd be arm-wrestling Anne-Marie for the nipple tassels... Jx
DeleteI'm watching you Mr.DeVice...you know I move quick like a penis fly trap!
DeleteWith spreadable gin, you're anybody's! Jx
DeleteOh dear you shouldn't have!!!!!! I too will wrap myself in Saran wrap and get started right away!...and I don't think that will be near enough Christmas pudding nipple covering for Anne Marie's jahoobies. She may need a double helping for each. I need to find time to squeeze this post in before I go.......
ReplyDeleteGood job that cling film's easy to wipe clean... Jx
DeletePS I did wonder about the size of those puddings...
Three cheers for Todrick Hall
ReplyDeleteJust fab
"Girl, what did that girl just say, girl?" Jx
DeleteBurn down that tree!
ReplyDeleteCould I please exchange the Crocs tree for a Chris Witty mug?
Or better still, a pair of Dr. Henry Fluevog shoes? They’ve been discontinued but I know you’ll come through for me. Dr. Bonnie Henry (the Canadian equivalent to your Chris Witty) is our voice of calm in the midst of the COVID crisis AND she wears Fluevogs.
"Fluevog" is such a pretty name for a ladies' shoe. Jx
DeletePS Crocs are just sooo festive, my dear - I'm sure they'd brighten up your abode...
HOW did you know that the Transitive Vampire is my MOST favorite of all books! I do need a new one - after three moves, I have no idea where my copy is. XOXOXOXO
ReplyDeleteA lucky guess! One of mine (of an almost-similar ilk) is the late Harold Evans' Essential English.
PS Note to self: If my luck is that good, I must buy a Lottery ticket.
I think my gift may need explanation...yes, I am from New Zealand and the national bird is the kiwi. But I live in Australia, home of the platypus. Folks, dear Jon has gone the extra mile and combined two national icons by giving the kiwi a duck's bill. Best. Duck-up. Evah. Thank you.
ReplyDelete, Jonxx
Bingo! Jx
Deletexx's and...wait a minute! That's as far as we go, sweetie. mwah, mwah and that's yer lot.
DeleteBah Humbug, indeed. Jx
DeleteI LOVE MY GIFT! I have my xmess pudding & brandy butter and my mince tarts. and I want some of that gNt spread.
ReplyDeleteAll while waggling those tassels!! Jx
DeleteWell, I am very happy with my gift! Thank you!! You will see what you're getting later on today/tonight. I'm sure you will all be delighted.
Oh, I am pleased... Jx
DeleteI'm so sorry I missed this initially, but thank you very much. I'm hiding my present from Saki as we speak.
ReplyDeleteHe will find it. Jx