Sunday 8 September 2019

Experience has made me rich

Cider in the garden? Yes, please!

In complete contrast to my pessimistic post yesterday, today was gloriously sunny and warm. I cleared away the remains of the dessicated Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) that had given us such joy during the summer, and even paid a visit to the local garden centre [having finally acknowledged that the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers are never going to be a baking-hot tropical paradise thanks to the overgrown trees in other gardens in the vicinity, I bought a new fern, as well as some more Chionodoxa bulbs and wallflowers for the Spring].

To complete the circle, how about a bit of "Sunday music" - courtesy of our "house band" Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox [of course!] and their extraordinary multi-talented leading lady Gunhil Carling?!



  1. Clever Gay, indeed. She's turned herself into a drawing so she can cavort with Morten Harket in "Take On Me"'s pencilled world! Lucky cow.

  2. Wow Gunhild is one hell of a girl, she is just amazing.
    Fab video !

    1. I wonder if, after one of these performances, she just collapses into an easy chair, panting? I do. Jx


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