Tuesday 31 December 2019

Baby how you feelin'?

I have generally been less-than-attentive to whatever passes for new music these days - or at least, I haven't been doing those "Pick of the Pops" posts with compilations of same for your delectation, dear reader.

However, needless to say, there have been a few "earworms" that have emerged every now and again on the playlist of BBC Radio 2 that have caught my ear in the last twelve months; just not the whiny-creatures-with-guitars such as Ed Sheeran, Lewis Capaldi and their ilk; nor the nasally girls with no diction like Ariana Grande, Little Mix and others with very odd eyebrows who would fit in quite neatly at a suburban "Ritzy" disco.

Unsurprisingly, our actual musical highlights were such classic performances as Pet Shop Boys live in Hyde Park [and their collaboration with Olly from Years & Years Dreamland was a new song, so there!], Frances Barber as "Billie Trix" in Muzik [more PSB, d'accord] and Our Princess Kylie at Glastonbury...

...but there is one "youngster" - who did indeed create what I can only describe as an earthquake of media coverage... and one of the best songs of the summer. I still do the actions in the office - all together, now: "I do my hair-toss, check my nails!"

We're planning a BIG New Year's Eve - how about you?


  1. Lizzo! I think I've heard of her - Didn't Maddie feature her at some point earlier in the year, too?
    I don't think I've been aware of any new music this year. I did buy a CD (Heaven, by Jai) but it was from 1997...

    Happy New Year's Eve!

    1. Lizzo is someone who has caught the ear of a lot of queens this year, methinks... Jx

  2. quiet celebration at home (me, spouse, cats). plenty of booze and snacks. HNY 2020!

    1. "Baby how you feelin'?
      Feeling good as hell"

      Happy New Year, dearie!


  3. I remember this one from the telly advert for JD Williams.

    Happy New Year!

    1. "Are you big-boned,
      got a glandular problem...
      but you still want the glamour?
      Don't worry about it.
      The Hefty Hideaway has got it all."

      Happy New Year to you too, my dear!


  4. I remember this too, but still find it a bit blah/back-groundy!
    Happy New Year, sweetie!

    1. It's not exactly "our kind of music", but it's still a bit of fun. I may try and dig out some better stuff during 2020 if I can wade through the dross.

      Happy New Year, dear! Jx

  5. I have to start practicing Lizzo’s moves. As for Calvin and Hobbes, they are an excellent treatment for depression!

    1. You should "do your hair-toss and check your nails" at every opportunity, my dear! Jx

    2. Have you SEEN my hair? No, really, has ANYNE seen my hair? I can’t find it so don’t know how hard to toss. I usually hurt myself.

    3. You're just going to have to find something else to toss, then? Jx

  6. I like it but just wish she could speak properly

    1. Diction - a fading discipline, methinks. Jx


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