Sunday 19 March 2023

Mama's Day!

On this Mothering Sunday, I thought nothing less than a triple-bill of tributes would do!

Of course, here at Dolores Delargo Towers, we do like our tributes to come with a twist...

Have a great day, all you mothers out there!


  1. A great collection. Papa's Day here.

    1. I didn't even realise the Spanish had a traditional Papa's Day (as opposed to the entirely-20th-century-created non-event in July). You live and learn... Jx

  2. That ALan Cummings version was brilliant, even if the camera was fascinated on the saftety gay instead

  3. Fabulous versions of fabulous songs but Alan Cummings was outstanding.
    I love the line -
    'All though my dance is not against the law - (any more)'


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