Sunday 11 February 2024

Guapo del dia

[click any pic to embiggen]

Meet Mario Alcalde, Spain's first matador to "come out" (as "pansexual", whatever that is). Woof!

Whatever one might think of the bloodsport, it's a remarkable snippet of progress in the otherwise "strictly macho" world of the Torero.

In keeping with the theme [well, sort of...] - any excuse [as if I need one] to feature this marvellous routine from one of our all-time favourite films here at Dolores Delargo Towers:

Roll on our Spanish holiday next weekend!


  1. Bel homme Alcalde vit sa verité, Olé !
    La corrida est un sport cérémonial et traditionnel qui attire de nombreuses personnes en Espagne, au Portugal, en Camargue française et en Amérique Latin, Arriba ! Ils devraient laisser le taureau vivre comme au Portugal.
    Les toreros sont si beaux dans leur 'traje de luces', certains d'entre eux sont très attrayants.

    1. His traje de luces -ahem - flatters his assets very well! Jx

  2. What not to love about Matador Penis?!?!?!

    No less than four friends sent me links to this story. They must know me well and my love of Spanish and Latina men, full baskets and tight clothing....

  3. Dressed like a vamp or a Pamplona tramp
    She could stampede the menfolk at will
    One day came a world famous matador
    Rat-tat at her door,

    I disapprove of all blood sports but Guapo is Guapo.

    1. Love that film so much..! And yes, guapo is guapo... Jx

  4. I hate bull-fighting but can’t help but enjoy looking at matadors. Don’t those pants hurt?!?

    1. Bullfighting is gruesome, but the groinage is always attractive! Jx


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