Sunday 4 February 2024

Like a bird in the sky

We're having a slow day after the excesses of our gang's looooong drinking session in our Wetherspoons-of-choice The Penderel's Oak in Holborn yesterday, in honour of Madam Arcati's impending birthday.

I think some "Sunday Music" is in order - I reckon this Northern Soul gem should do very nicely...

All that bopping's a bit too energetic, but the song's fab!


  1. I miss those long drinking sessions with friends. Will wonders never cease? I like this song! There is some rare Northern Soul that I enjoy. This is one. We have a friend here who lives for Northern Soul. He received a “record player” for Christmas and has unboxed all his vinyl. We may never see him again.

    1. "Our gang"'s get-togethers quite often span over several hours. We're already planning the next "film club" day - and those are a marathon, usually taking in three full-length movies...

      As with most genres, "Northern Soul" can encompass a whole variety of musical gems as well as "meh" ones - your friend's dedication is admirable. Once he has twirled his way through the first 5,000 tracks, I imagine he may emerge into the light of day 😍.

      Keep the Faith! Jx

  2. I'm visiting Los Angeles and it has been drenched in an unusual storm so I spent the day in the hotel, tucked in cozy and dry.

    1. Hopefully Rita and the Tiaras helped. Jx


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