Friday 2 February 2024


Yeah, baby, yeah!

It's almost the weekend - and there's just two more of those to go before we fly to Spain!

Speaking of which, here's one from the vaults to get us in the mood for a party [and indeed we do have one, as the clans gather tomorrow in Wetherspoons for The Madam's birthday, which is on Tuesday] - so ¡Gracias Disco Es viernes!

[Read more about the scandalous Señorita Estrada, whose "greatest hits" album was titled The Sexadelic Disco Funk Sound of... Susana Estrada]

Have a good one, dear reader!


  1. She was sure brave and daring. You’ve got a keep an eye on those librarians. Wishing the Madam a very happy birthday (in advance).

    1. Librarians? Or safety gays? Jx

      PS she might well be asking them to "caress her", but they're obviously not in the slightest bit interested in what she has to offer...

  2. Thank you !
    Now where did I put my orange leotard


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