Tuesday 27 February 2024

Música nueva

Still in a bit of a lazy mood, catching up after the holiday...

...but there's always time for some of the "newer" music that has caught my ear of late!

First up, the welcome return of an old crush of mine...

One that I have adored ever since Mr DeVice first featured it a while back:

It doesn't get much gayer than that - or does it?

Now, here's a lad who knows how to dance all that sadness off!

Speaking of welcome returns, here's an utterly faboo new number from our favourite Bristolian belles:

Apparently Radio 1's "Hottest Record of the Year" 2023, this is a catchy little number indeed (though the singer could do with a good diction coach)...

This dancy choon sounds like a remix of a Kraftwerk track from the late 70s/early 80s - with the freakiest video imaginable!

Saving the best to last, however...this!

As ever, dear reader, let me know your thoughts...


  1. Can't go wrong with the Pet Shop Boys! I still think that was my favorite. It's nice to see Boy George. I haven't seen him for such a long time and I like a good bass beat. The song "Compute" would be good for a club, but I had to stop watching the video. That constant quick cut scenery and strobe lights gives me a headache. Nice to have you back from vacation!

    1. Glad you found something to enjoy among the selection, dear Melanie. As you've probably gathered, I am a bit of a "child of the 80s", and many of the tracks that catch my ear have some connection to that era...

      It's not nice for us to be back in Blighty in the cold again, but hey ho - we're planning our next trip in May already! Jx

  2. We both have had crushes on Mika for a while.

  3. Most was lost on me. It's my age, dahling! But the skating clip? For me it was wheels, but I can still feel it coming up through the blades. Thank you.

    1. Bless.

      I only went ice skating once. I still have the scars. Jx

  4. Caught up at last and these have now been added to the 'Delargo Foundation Music Archive'.


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