Friday 16 February 2024

Shoulder-pads and fans - ¡Olé!

We're almost there, dear reader...

Just eight hours to go, and the holiday begins!

OK, we have to get up tomorrow at the crack'o'doom to get to Gatwick Airport, but the forecast for Andalusia is sunny and warm all next week!

To bring on that fiesta mood, how about a boppy little something from the gayest boyband ever?!!

¡Gracias Disco Es viernes!



  1. Rumba samba mambo! Now THOSE are shoulder pads! Lots of nice weather in store for you. Today started off very cloudy but warm. Current SUN and clouds and 18˚. Nothing to complain about.

    1. Hoorah!! Hope my shoulder pads don't shade any of that sunshine out... Jx

  2. I have no doubt that just two trunks of shoulder pads, fans and flamenco gowns will be going with you. And don't forget to send me a Spanish man if you will.

    But ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. We will, dear - travelling flamenco wardrobes and all!

      Clink, clink, sweetie. Jx

      PS At my age, if I could catch a Spanish hunk I am keeping hold of him!

  3. What? We'll be leaving the party at roughly the same time! We're off to Florida, also at the crack of dawn in about a day's time as well. My trip won't be as fun as yours. I expect pictures of fancy drinks with umbrellas in them when you get back! Have fun!

    I can't complain, I'll at least be somewhere warm. It was 28F degrees here this morning. Brr!

    1. 28F/2C is pretty cold - we, on the other hand, have been having unusually warm temperatures in London. We hit 60F/16C the other day!

      Its much warmer in Spain... Jx

  4. Enjoy! If at all possible, please have a Tinto Verano (or several) and say, "Cheers, Savannah!" xoxo

    1. We drank the Costa dry of Tinto de Verano, sweetie! Jx

  5. J'espère que vous apprécierez vos vacances en Espagne. :)
    Un si beau pays avec un excellent climat, la Californie de l'Europe.

    1. I think you'll find that California is the Spain of America, en réalité... Jx

  6. Looks like those lads forgot to take the jackets OFF the hangers! Bon voyage et bon vivant!

  7. Replies
    1. We are going to have to practice those moves... Jx


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